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100% Mexican Investment company that represents the world’s most successful manufacturers in the electrical insulation market.

About Us

At EIC Group we are committed to serve and satisfy with a degree of excellency the needs of the manufacturing industry.

For EIC Group, quality in our delivery service and our products are of utmost importance, hence why we count with a wide range of inventory available. In this way, we can supply any client’s needs within 48 hours.

Our company’s goal is to find distributors and manufacturers of original equipment who want and meet our quality and loyalty requirements in terms of service to the end customer. These distributors become associates once we start operations with them.

Our Team

Electrical Insulation Company

Our Values








In EIC Group we are committed to serving and satisfying with a degree of excellency the needs of the manufacturing industry, especially the electric and electronic, automotive, and home appliance industries, with products made by leading manufacturers of certified quality. Having our work reflected as an added value to the product and service that we provide for the benefit of our clients.


To continue being a world-class commercial company, where with the constant effort to serve our clients, we achieve the well-being of our staff, investors and their families, contributing with these and other actions to the development of the community.


EIC Group is made up of two companies: EIC Insulation Company SA de CV, our commercial side, and ECC Conversion Center SA de CV, which transforms materials into components for manufacturers with original equipment.

Both companies possess a committed vision to serve and satisfy with a degree of excellency the needs of the manufacturing industry, as well as the design and manufacture of unique components for the industry.

Our clients

We have clients all over Mexico, Central America, South America and the United States.

Commercial Partners

Awards and Certifications

Our History